Technically, any liquid intended for drinking is a beverage so named by a word derived from French and Latin verbs meaning ‘to drink.’ Healthy beverages are beverages with health benefits that attribute by its nutritional value. The use of healthy beverage for promoting health and relieving symptom is as old as the practice of medicine.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Palm syrup - sweet syrup from palm trees

Many palm species have been tapped throughout the tropical world in order to produce fresh juice, fermented drinks (such as toddy, wine, arak), syrup ("honey"), brown sugar (jaggery) or refined sugar.

Palm honey or palm syrup is from naturally grown palm trees. It is produced by boiling collected sap until it thickens. Most of this syrup is locally consumed and traditionally processed as the bottled palm juice, palm wine, and palm sugar.

Uses of palm saps differ depending on region, palm tree and culinary traditions. It is converted, in some cases, to syrup ‘honey’ or brown sugar ‘jaggery’ which are used like a sweetener for some food preparations.

Palm syrup is high caloric content has led to its increasing use as a health food supplement for athletes, children and elderly. The demand for this natural syrup is continuously increasing due also to its medicinal uses in homeopathic medicine.

In the tropics, palm sap is drunk as such (fresh, or pasteurized and bottled), evaporated for palm syrup and sugar, or fermented to alcohol and vinegar. Palm sap is also a source of yeast for bread making. Fresh sap is sweet, oyster white color and translucent, with nearly neutral pH.

Palm syrup has been traditionally produced from the sap of the several varieties of tropical palm tree including coconut palms, date palms, sugar palms, and palmyra palms.
Palm syrup - sweet syrup from palm trees

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