Lager is a beer that has been cooled fermented, and allowed to age under refrigeration. Also, lager is fermented with bottom-fermenting yeast.
Lagers are characteristically smooth, elegant, crisp, and clean tasting. Popular examples of lagers are Budweiser, Miller Genuine Draft and Heineken.
Lager is great with simple, causal grilled foods like hamburgers, chicken, pork tenderloin, or vegetables. In the mid-nineteenth century German –American brewers perfected the crisp, refreshing beer style. The earliest known brewing of pale lager in America was in the Old City section of Philadelphia by John Wagner in 1840 using yeast from his native Bavaria.
This new lager helped change America into a country of beer lovers who came together in beer halls and beer gardens to celebrate life and is bounty.
American lager is closely related to pilsner, though it has a light to medium body and a crisp taste, and it is highly carbonated. The American lagers often containing adjunct ingredients such as corn or rice.
Lager and American lager
Technically, any liquid intended for drinking is a beverage so named by a word derived from French and Latin verbs meaning ‘to drink.’ Healthy beverages are beverages with health benefits that attribute by its nutritional value. The use of healthy beverage for promoting health and relieving symptom is as old as the practice of medicine.
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