Technically, any liquid intended for drinking is a beverage so named by a word derived from French and Latin verbs meaning ‘to drink.’ Healthy beverages are beverages with health benefits that attribute by its nutritional value. The use of healthy beverage for promoting health and relieving symptom is as old as the practice of medicine.

Monday, May 29, 2023

What is nuruk?

Nuruk is traditional starter culture made from wheat and rice which allows for the growth of various natural types of microorganisms that jump starts fermentation process. Nuruk was first made in Asia in the fifth century BC. It is believed that Nuruk was first used in Korea before the “three kingdoms period,” and records show Nuruk being used for Korean alcohol production in the 1123.

It is used to make various types of Korean alcoholic beverages including takju aka makgeolli, cheongju, and soju. As a determinant factor for flavor, taste, and color of alcoholic beverages, Nuruk is an indispensable ingredient for brewing alcoholic beverages in Korea.

Starch is the main ingredient used for alcohol fermentation, and is first hydrolyzed into glucose through the saccahrification process by fungi. At this time, Nuruk is used as a fermentation agent and is an important raw material for the brewing process.

Nuruk, also called ”Gokja” in Korea, contains naturally occurring and multiplying microorganisms such as wild fungi, yeast, and lactic acid bacteria.

This fermentation starter is a dough made from grains like wheat, barley, or rice that is germinated by microorganisms.

Most Nuruk is made with wheat but it can also be made with rice and barley as well. Most Nuruk manufactures will produce two different types of wheat Nuruk one made with Korean wheat and another made with American wheat.

Typically, Korean wheat used for Nuruk is called anjeung bengi wheat which is a shorter and higher in starch than its American counterpart.
What is nuruk?

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